Friday, February 25, 2011

It's Been a While...

It has been a while since I have blogged. A week off of school, but a wife at work everyday made for Daddy/Daughter week...all in all a good week thus far, but enough about the family.

As mentioned last week I was looking forward to the Scottie's coinciding with a week away from work. While I did watch a lot of curling, I have to say that on the whole, the week was not what I had hoped. Generally speaking I thought a lot of shots were missed by all teams; from wrecking on guards to issues with draw weight, I thought we would see better curling. Don't get me wrong I am no world class curler and I do respect all the teams there but when you are watching the best in Canada, you just expect a lot more shots to be made.

That does NOT mean there weren't a couple of moments which stand out that I would like to address with the week that was in Charlottetown. First off, early in the week, Sunday afternoon I believe, Amber Holland and the girls from Kronau hung a licking on Jennifer Jones and Team Canada. That was not the issue; what stood out to me was TSN's continued attempt to make excuses for the inferior curling of Jones and her foursome. From the rocks being too sharp to the ice not having enough curl, Russ Howard and Linda Moore did all they could to try and help ease the pain of Jones followers as to why they were off. Here's a crazy thought; if you are the three time defending champion, shouldn't you be able to adjust to these supposed 'issues'???? I mean it wasn't effecting Holland and the girls who seemingly made everything. I guess that is what irks me about sports sometimes; commentators who won't admit that sometimes what is supposed to happen, doesn't. Had Holland and Co. missed all those shots, do you think similar excuses would have come up??? Not on your life.

While we are on the topic of Jennifer Jones, I have not enjoyed one team defeating another in curling as much as I did when Cathy O. and Manitoba downed Canada on Wednesday night. It was almost like fate was in the air as a Manitoba team, who struggled for much of the week curled like they were the three time defending champions. Addind to my glee was the fact that all 3, 000 plus in attendance were loud and racous supporters of Manitoba and Cathy O. the whole night, and you could tell Jones didn't exactly enjoy that. Well Miss Jones, that is what you get when you drop a popular, personable member of your team who is as much a part of that team's success as anybody.

The NHL trade deadline is T-minus three days away. I personally don't think a whole lot of deals will be made on Monday; at least not as many as usual. This is because of the fact so many trades have been completed leading up to it. While we are on the topic of trades, has Alex Kovalev depreciated to the point that all he is worth is a measly seventh round pick, who chances are will never play a game in the NHL? I mean I know he hasn' t done much in Ottawa and his character and consistency have been brought into questions but surely more could have been taken in return for a guy with his type of skill level. On any given night Alex Kovalev can be the best player on the ice and a difference maker, and if a seventh rounder is all you can get, then so be it.

Sticking with hockey, should have brought this up last week but forgot. Mario Lemieux had quite a problem with what took place two Friday's ago between his Penguins and the New York Islanders. Obviously as the owner of a team, and one of the greatest to ever play, his words and thoughts are worthy of our ear, BUT....Mario, if you want to complain about the direction the NHL is going, you should serioulsy look at yourself and your team in the mirror because in a lot of ways Matt Cooke, one of your players, is everything that is wrong with the NHL today. He has absolutely no respect for anybody on the ice. It is one thing to play tough, hard nosed hockey but I honestly think he is out there to hurt people. If you ask me, Matt Cooke ended Marc Savard's career with that cowardly elbow last year and if I were in charge, Cooke would be allowed to play when Savard is medically able to play again. So Mario, all numbers and records aside, before you call out the NHL, look in the mirror and realize that throwing stones in a glass house isn't always a great idea.

Last week I gave my thoughts on Tiger Woods and his conduct on the course. Tiger lost his opening round match to Thomas Bjorn this week at the WGC Match Play. When questioned about his performance, leave it to Tiger to use profanity to explain his feelings. Give Bjorn some credit Tiger; he didn't hit it sixty yards right off the tee in the play - off. Oh I love watching the migthy fall.

That is all I have for today, back to Daddy/Daughter week for a few more days. Talk to you Monday...