Monday, June 17, 2013

Friday's Analysis and Others

If the Rider season is going to play out like Friday night's pre - season opener in Edmonton, hang on to your hats! In what was a very exciting football game, the Riders were able to win the game on a late Gavin Newman pick six. In no particular order, here are my thoughts:

* The D - Line which was clearly the weakness last year was solid. John Chick appeared to be dominant coming off the edge. Tearrisu George had two sacks in what was a solid game for George who can play both inside or on the edge if need be. The newcomers also showed they could play the game. They were impressive enough to let Kenny Rowe go today. If you ask me, Kenny Rowe had ample opportunities to prove himself and he just couldn't become the guy that many expected him to become after a very good career at Oregon.

* I love the George Cortez offence for a couple of reasons. For one, it appears that he is not only willing, but looks to stretch the field as often as possible. Secondly, the QB' were using their legs. Tino Sunseri's legs were very much responsible for the late game TD which tied the game. We all know that Darian Durant is a much better QB when he uses his legs. If given the green light to do so, we become a much more dynamic group on the offensive side of the ball.

* Kory Sheets was average but I expect him to be better this week against Calgary. With Stephon Green's release today does that mean DeDe Dorsey has gained the back - up spot?

* The reciever's played pretty well for the most part. Greg Carr, who is in my opinion seriously battling for a roster spot had a good game nabbing 4 for 101. Taj Smith also looked good except for a first half fumble.

* The DB's played like ball hawks as no matter who was on the field, they seemed to be all over the ball. While part of this is attributed to a more aggressive coverage scheme, Edmonton's QB's were pressured for most of the evening leading to some poor throws.

* The biggest question for me remains to be answered; who will be doing the place kicking when things get rolling for real on June 29th?

* With eight cuts today, there are still quite a few roster moves to be made. The Calgary game on Thursday will be the last chance for those on the bubble to impress.

* Mike McCullough's placement on the Nine - game has me wondering. Is he really hurt that bad or is this just the beginning of the end for the savvy veteran? Let's face it, we have some depth at that position and Sam Hurl can easily step in and fill that role.

* I thought the O - Line looked pretty good. In the end though there are only a couple of jobs up for grabs in that group.

* What else can't be forgotten is that Rider team on Edmonton was without Weston Dressler, Geroy Simon, Rey Williams, Keith Shologan and Ricky Foley. The insertion of these guys only improve our situation.

* Given the cap situation as it presents itself at the moment, there will be a couple of moves that may be shocking and upsetting to some. Just my thoughts.

* T - minus 18 days to July 5th

* Game Three of the Stanley Cup Finals go tonight in Boston as the Bruins look to maintain the momentum from Dan Paille's OT winner Saturday night. So far, the series has been what was expected, close, fast hockey. Given that they were up 3 - 1 midway through the first in Game One only to have two goals scored on them including a greasy one off Andrew Ference's skate, the Hawks are lucky to go to Boston with the split. They could easily be in an 0 - 2 hole.

* The Blue Jays weren't as disappointing this week. While I am still not going to hold my breath, they have crawled within 5.5 games of the second Wild Card spot.

* The Miami Heat are one game away from losing the NBA Finals to the San Antonio Spurs. Here's to hoping.

* I wonder if Danny Green is still unconscious?

* The Philadelphia Flyers looked to improve their defence today signing a four year agreement with recently acquired Marc Streit. Heard rumors that the Oilers may have had some interest so today's signing makes me happy as I don't think Marc Streit is the answer for any struggling back end.

* Justin Rose captured the US Open outside Philadelphia, beating out Phil Mickelson who has now been the bridesmaid six times in his national championship. While I have never been a huge Phil fan, I do feel for the guy as this seems to be the one tournament that means the most to him. He has sure blown some chances over the years.

* While a die hard Saskatchewan Roughrider fan, I do struggle with the notion that they have to hold a lottery to sell the remaining Grey Cup tickets. While I have no issue with season ticket holders scooping up tickets, I do have a bit of an issue with the corporate tickets being sold. I understand private money has really helped this team in the past, and continues to do so but a lot of public money has been spent by thousands within Ridernation and their inability to get a ticket is mildly frustrating. Glad I already have mine. I wonder if the corporate groups are the ones responsible for the inability to get a hotel room in Regina that weekend. I tried one year to the day to get a room and had zero luck.

* While I doubt they read it, a great big shout out to all those who helped to organize the Teacher's Golf Tournament this weekend at the Golf Kenosee resort. A great event was once again put on, and I am proud to say that I continue to be the best of the best when it comes to the golfing population of Norquay School.

*That's all...time to go home and see my kids. Haven't seen them since Friday.

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